Sunday 1 December 2013

Sidmouth Donkey Sanctuary

Sidmouth Donkey Sanctuary

We have recently made our annual visit to The Donkey Sanctuary in Sidmouth, as a family of donkey lovers this is a charity close to our hearts.

A bit about the charity ..

The founder of this charity is Dr Elisabeth Svendsen MBE, she loved donkeys from an early age, when she was finally married with a family in 1969 she had the chance to own her first donkey.  The donkey family grew and grew and in 1973 she finally had a registered charity.  Over the years more and more donkeys have been taken in to care and to date over 14,500 have passed through the Donkey Sanctuary Gates.  The charity doesn't stop here, they work extremely hard to care for donkeys all over the world and are now the worlds largest donkey and mule charity!  

If you ever have the chance, please visit, there are lots of donkeys that need fussing and with the sanctuary being set in the picturesque country side you can sit and enjoy some lunch, visit the gift shop, walk your dogs and learn lots about these beautiful animals! There is something for everyone, all ages!

My Photos ..

And of course if you are a photography lover like myself they do love to pose so make sure you don't forget your camera.

Here are some snaps from my latest visit:


 All the above images are copyrighted to Melissa Wale ©

With Love, Milley xx

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